Sunday is a day of rest – God created this day at the beginning of time for us to put down our tools. It is a day to spend with the family, enjoy the outdoors and contemplate on the week that has passed, appreciating the gift of life and living.
As your dementia progressed, the tiredness on Dad’s face became more and more evident.
Therfore, on Sundays you came over to us so we could spend the day together. It was usually a Sunday roast or baked macaroni or something that we all liked. At lunchtime, we sat together at the table, like all other families. We talked and chatted. You loved being with the children and they had the time to spend with you, even though your words became more and more sparse as you withdrew more into yourself.. However, we made it a point to spoil you both on this day.
Francis and Dad spoke alot about football, a topic both loved so much.
After lunch, Krista and I would wash your hair and then sit you at the dressing table to blow dry it and style it. Krista enjoyed doing this and you loved it! It was ‘ladies only’ time, as the men watched football on TV. Yes, our Sunday family time was very special and we made it a point to push everything else aside.
Today, our Sunday specials have changed and Francis and I often spend them with Kurt and his family. You cannot stop time and all that is going on in a particular part of your life. However, you can choose to enjoy what you have and this is what we always tried to do. No matter the circumstance, it is your choice on how to approach life. My daughter Krista reminds me about this very often. Turn your mindset around and look at the bright side. Change something difficult into something a little easier by actually choosing to. This is not something that comes naturally to me so I am preaching to myself. However, it can work and it does.
Dementia, or any other condition for that matter, is not a shout for joy. However, it gives us the opportunity to use it as a reason to make more of an effort to be together. Is that a postive?
Yes, it definitely is. When you look at material things, you realise they can only bring a certain amount of joy, which can be quite superficial. Whereas, when you spend time with your family and your loved ones, the happiness in those moments can far outway the troubles.
In a perfect world? No, not always, especially if there are problems in families. But we can try. We can try to be happy in those moments. No one can stop time, so one must stop the moment and enjoy it. Never give up. There are 2 sides to a coin. It all depends on which side you choose.