The Malta Dementia Society is a non-governmental and a not-for-profit organisation for individuals living with dementia, their carers, families, and friends. The society brings together healthcare professionals and interested persons to improve the knowledge about dementia and to increase public awareness of the condition. The Malta Dementia Society was established in September 2004 on the occasion of World Alzheimer’s Day ™ (Alzheimer’s disease International —, an event that is celebrated worldwide.


The Malta Dementia Society promotes the best methods of care, education, and treatment for individuals living with dementia and related disorders throughout the Maltese Islands and elsewhere. This is achieved by providing literature to disseminate knowledge about dementia to patients, carers, and the public in general. The society organises courses, lectures and conferences in the various areas relating to dementia. The society encourages the training of personnel who provide services for individuals living with dementia, attendance at conferences and research. Through its work, the society helps establish good relations with the general public and other providers of services to individuals with dementia and influences policy making. 

What is Dementia?

Dementia is a term used to describe a group of brain diseases which result in the progressive impairment of brain function. Symptoms may include loss of memory, confusion, language difficulties, difficulties performing routine tasks and personality or mood changes. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia and accounts for 60% of cases. The disease progressively destroys nerve cells disrupting the transmitters that carry messages in the brain. Vascular Dementia and Lewy Body Disease are two other common causes accounting for some 15-20% each. There is currently no cure for dementia. As the disease progresses, those affected are unable to care for themselves and will require assistance in activities of daily life. Drug treatments are now available to treat some of the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. Much can be done to help the individual with dementia to enjoy and get the most of their life. Carers and relatives of individuals with dementia need to be well informed about the condition and helped to learn new skills to be able to succeed in their important mission.


Information on this website should not be considered as medical guidance or professional advice. Please direct any specific questions concerning personal health to appropriate medical and other qualified healthcare professionals.


If you would like to register as a lifetime member,
please provide the following information and send to our address.
First name
Tel / Mobile

The personal information provided will be used to send information such as newsletters and
information about society events. Confidentiality will be respected in accordance with the Data Protection Act.

I would like to make a donation of €50 or more.

Please make all cheques payable to:
Malta Dementia Society

Please complete and return to:
Malta Dementia Society
c/o Room 135, Department of Pharmacy,
University of Malta, Msida. MSD 2080