
6th September 2024

With the participation of Dementia Care Directorate/Department of Gerontology and Dementia Studies/Department of Nursing.

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8:30 – 9:00

Registration in Portomaso Suite Foyer

9:00 - 9.10

Opening Speech

Malcolm Paul Agius Galea

Parliamentary Secretary for Active Ageing, Ministry for Health and Active Ageing

9:10 – 9:25

Dementia in Malta: Past, Present and Future

Charles Scerri

9:25 – 9:40

Let’s go outside:
Mapping Access to the Outdoors in the Experience of the Dementia Care Environment

Alexia Mercieca

9:40 – 10:10

DancingtoDementia (Demonstration)

Amy Lewis, Douglas Comley, Nicole Zammit 

10:10 – 10:25

Making Dementia a European Public Health and Research Priority

Jean Georges  

10:25 – 10:40

Person-centred Care for People with Dementia Admitted to Hospitals

Anthony Scerri 

10:40 – 11:10

Physiotherapy and Dementia (Demonstration)

Gail Bonnici, Marcos Caruana 

11:10 – 11:40

Coffee Break

11:40 – 12:40

Morning Workshops 

Lifelong Learning for People with Dementia in a School Context
Diana Schack Thoft, Kim Michael Alberg Sørensen, Helle Kousgaard Hansen – Denmark

Stimulating Communication in Persons living with Dementia
Nicola Montesin, Ruth Calafato, Paul Schembri, Roberta Said, Emanuela Scerri – Malta

Lifelong Learning UK
Brain Gym, Jane Beaumont – UK  

12:40 – 13:40

Lunch Break

13:40 – 14:40

Afternoon Workshops 

Voksenskolen (adult school) for people with dementia in Grimstad municipality, Norway
Diana Schack Thoft, Kim Michael Alberg Sørensen, Helle Kousgaard Hansen – Norway

Empowering Through Psychotherapy: Support and Advocacy in Dementia Care 
Janette Schembri, Pietru Farrugia, Umberto Buttigieg – Malta 

A Stimulating Programme with Music in Mind!
Katherine Jenkins – UK  

14:40 – 14:55

National Dementia Strategies: Look Forward, Start Today

Marco Blom

14:55 – 15:10

From Awareness to Action: Transforming Dementia Care

Alex Gobey

15:10 – 15:25

Dementia in Long-Term Care: Challenges and Avenues for Change

Christian Borg Xuereb

15:25 – 15:40

Dementia Pathways on Your Doorstep – Influencing Policy and Practice

Jacqueline Parks

15:40 – 16:10

Panel Discussion organised by the Dementia Care Directorate

16:10 - 16:30

Closing Remarks

Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca
President Emeritus