Dear Sir/Madam,
My name is Rachel Spiteri and I am a student at the University of Malta, at present reading for M.A in Creativity and Innovation. I am conducting a research study for my thesis entitled “Perspectives on the Future of Technological Devices that Aid Mobility for People with Chronic Neurological Conditions”. The purpose behind this study is to delve into the perceptions of stakeholders on technological devices that aid mobility for people with chronic neurological conditions and to discover which features and functions should be implemented in future mobility devices. This project is being conducted under the supervision of Prof. Sandra Dingli (
Attached to this email kindly find a recruitment email and letter of information for your perusal. I would appreciate it if you could forward the recruitment email and letter of information to anyone who falls under the eligibility criteria . These include: a) patients with chronic neurological disorders who are adults between the ages of 25 to 75 diagnosed by a healthcare professional, suffering from physical fatigue, living in Malta and who make use of mobility assistive technology; b) Neurologists with at least three years’ experience in the field c) Physiotherapists d) Occupational Therapists e) Access to Communication & Technology Unit (ACTU) representative f) President of a Neurological Organisation; and g) Foreign People who live in Malta and who work in the Neurological field. Participation will be entirely voluntary and participants will be free to withdraw from the study at any point, without any repercussions. If anyone decides to do so, all the relevant data will be deleted accordingly. Data will be pseudonymised and only I, the supervisor and, if necessary, the dissertation’s examiners will have access to the data. Should you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me or my supervisor.
Thank you for your kind consideration of this request. I hope to hear from you soon.
Rachel Spiteri