If only one tear

If only one tear.

I have been with the Malta Dementia Society for 21 years now, but I never stop learning and this past week has been almost a game changer.

I was really sad on Wednesday morning because we have been trying to get a new activity off the ground without success and two of our favourite activities have just a few attendees. Basically, I was feeling sorry for myself and for the Society…. I really was down in the dumps and asked for guidance…how do I continue..please help me dear Jesus.

Thankfully, I am very busy with all we do and the day passes. I had not planned to join the Reaching Hands support group session the same day at 4pm but just after it started, I received a whatsapp message from one of our very faithful members. He said that there are 26 people online for the session and that must be a record! Oh wow..my heart skipped a beat …and then I immediately thought..thank you God …you sent me a very clear message not to give up. I joined the session and lo and behold, there they were..all those people..i was almost moved to tears. This time for joy. I am not the type to give up at all, but sometimes it is very discouraging. Which is really silly of me too because I know, twice over, how difficult it is to cope with family and a relative with dementia..I did it..I was there..and I was totally exhausted..and it is not something that ends in a few months..it takes years.

Today I treasure every moment I had with my mother and my aunt ..and my dad..and my in-laws..they are no longer with us..but I do treasure all the sweat and time and energy I gave them..the hole they leave can never be filled but the love they left behind is what I hold on to.

But the story doesn’t end here. This week, we had another big talk, not me this time, and one of us was really feeling incapable and nervous, which surprised me because this person is an expert and so calm and so patient. And I am so happy today because this person got the same response I did..an overwhelming one too..probably one of the best ever.

The lesson learned is never to give up, even with all the odds against you and even if you are the last man standing.

And I have also learnt over all these years, that even if we dry one tear, even if we reach one hand, even if we give one hug, it is enough for us. We do not need crowds, we do not need any praise or pats on the back..we just need to see the face of someone who feels the weight on his shoulder has been eased..we just need to see the tear dry up and a glimmer of hope appear in that same face of despair. Although there is no cure, hope can never be taken away. Not hope of a cure but hope of a journey that is taken together, holding each other’s hands, and moving forward as best as one can.

So, in this jubilee year of Hope, let us reach out to one another and dry each other’s tears. Let us walk together, even through the impossible. The passage may be rough but together we can do it. Whatever the outcome, hope is what we must cling to. We live today, day by day..this moment is ours and let us make the most of it.

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